Friday 30 November 2012

Uggggh so many things to upload

It's time for a break, I'll gather up the rest and hopefully make another stab at it tomorrow.

Animation Year 2

This is a collection of my Animation assignments from first Semester of Year 2.
Please click on the Youtube Icon inside the player to see the larger version. Feedback is more than welcome.

Wave Boat Sack

Lift and Toss

Walk and Run

3D tools yr 2

This is a collection of the Maya projects I have worked on in year 2. These models are all pre existing and were used for this assignment for us to animate. These are not set on Loop, and are merely PLACEHOLDERS until I can get on Premier and loop these files. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Storyboard Yr2

Well it's been a heck of a year, and out of all the courses beefed up in homework for second year, Storyboard is probably the biggest change. We went from drawing storyboard panel freeze frames from movies in Year 1, with a couple of tests here and there, to creating our own character lineups, simple background layouts and stories in Year 2. We do it all traditionally: draw up the beat boards on storyboard cards, pitch them to our prof and class, and then after revisions and edits are suggested and made, we return a week later with a set of rough boards. Rinse repeat, and there's a final product at the end which is hopefully entertaining, visually correct in terms of storytelling and character acting, and in most cases funny as hell :D

Again after all the rambling, I give you Storyboarding, one of my favorites this year.

Our first project was to create beat boards for two poems
Hector Protector and After a Bath
Characters had to be original. You'd be surprised at how one poem can be interpreted many different ways. It's quite astounding

After the beat board pitches, we had to pick one poem and continue on to create a full story board with up to 40 panels. I seem to have misplaced the files for this project and will update them as soon as I find them.

This is assignment 2 through the whole same process from beat boards to final boards. This is based off of the phrase given in class "Not Again!"

And the Final Boards, which will next week be turned into a Leica Reel with scratchtrack and sounds effects.

Painting Year 2

Haven't done a whole lot of painting this year, the projects seem a bit bigger and more time in between them. I feel like painting is still one of my areas that could use development, but I feel I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

This is the concept process and Final for my Exterior painting, assignment 1.

This was an quick extra painting done to test out masking fluid. It's a wonder I painted without this stuff before, results are good, and I use if religiously with painting now :D
i applied the masking fluid to the character and fish while i applied a wash to the background, and then slowly worked my way forward, masking out certain things that I wanted to paint last after washes of color and broad strokes. I'd love to come back to this one when I feel more confident with digital painting.

The Following are the concept design, color studies, and final of my Interior Painting assignment 2. Really enjoyed this painting about halfway into the color studies. It was a bit tough at first but once i started to enjoy, it got easier and the ideas went straight from imagination to canvas and paint. Strange how I once hated painting, but now I feel how expressive it can be if you let it.

Layouts Year 2

Some sketches of chairs, cars and the like handed in for Layout class. Will upload more personal and creative stuff soon, just have to scan them out of my sketchbook

The following Layouts are based off of thumbnails credited to Piotr Bielicki my layout professor. The assignments were to take the basic image composition of the thumbnail, and then to add texture, detail and lighting to the scene. The goal was to separate the foreground from the mid and background, paying close attention also to contrasts in places of interest in the image. Although everyone received the same thumbnails, many great looking and different styled images were produced and I thoroughly enjoyed this project and feel like I've learned the importance of doing good reference research on topics that I would have once been terrified to try and draw. Without further rambling... I give you LAYOUTS!

Check out Older Posts over here-------------------------------------->>

Friday 27 April 2012


 This is a collection of my paintings from my first year. Some will be missing from here, as I haven't got back the originals from my professor yet, so I'll post up the scans when I do. There's also a bit of digital painting work, that's a little new for me. Gonna work really hard this summer on honing my layout and digital painting, so check back here over the course of the summer and I'll have some new stuff posted as I make it. Check out the links to the right that indicate the type of work ------------->>

Tree Oasis Col Study 1

Tree Oasis Col Study 2

Tree Oasis Final Painting with Gouache
(Will upload a scan when I get the original back)

Ficto-Planet Painting with gouache (Day)

Ficto-Planet Painting with gouache (Night)

Color thumbnail studies of Ficto-Planet

Re imagined GoT Throne Room
Digital work on Photoshop

Master Copy Painting of Aleksi Briclot's work
(class assignment)

Master Copy painting-Tonal B&W

 Tonal Still Life Painting

Colored Still Life Painting

And the following images will be some work from Semester 1
Not my best work, but I was still learning how to paint with gouache!